It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.
Central Church is dedicated to introducing people to Jesus and helping them follow Him. We want to make Jesus famous in Las Vegas and beyond through creating reproducible environments of Radical Grace. Our approach to worship and teaching creates next steps for people far from God to experience a new beginning with Him. For more information, check out
There is hope...
If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You can call anytime for confidential support. You are not alone.
1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Lifeline
We are here for you 24/7 by phone, text, email, or chat. If you have a prayer request, or want to know God please reach out.
Call 888-805-2778
Text 888-805-2778
Hannah’s Story
Hannah struggled with self-worth, an eating disorder and hopelessness. She found her worth in God and His love for her.
Jeff’s Story
Check out Jeff’s story. He was isolated, lonely and angry, but God got a hold of him and his life has never been the same.
Shanequa’s story
Shanequa is a strong, vibrant, and selfless person, despite the issues she faced growing up. She discovered a God that loves her and has a plan for her life.